With bath season upon us we've rounded up a few of our favorite bath items that help make bath time a little more fun.
Our newest favorite is Nuby Floating Octopus Toy
. It comes with three rings that fit on the octopus arms and older kids can even play ring toss with them. It helps with hand eye coordination and its BPA free.
Our favorite washes, creams and bubble baths are made by Wash With Water and Tubby Todd.
We've loved every product we've tried from both brands. Nothing's better than a fresh smelling baby straight out of the bath.
A few more bath toys that the boys absolutely love are these Stacking Bath Cups
, Basketball Bath Set, swimming penguin and Bath Letters

No bath time is complete without slipping on a pair of your favorite jammies. Just a few of our favorites are Hello Sunday, Old Navy, Gap and Carters. I also wished I had a teeny tiny baby that fit into these Sleeper gowns. Oh my heart!!
All of the above would make great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers! Yes...I just went there.
Happy Bath Season!
I received The Floating Octopus Bath Toy as a part of the Nuby Parent Blogger Program. All opinions are my own.
I love both tubby Todd and wash with water. Have you ever tried hot tot? They are amazing too! We may need to get that bath toy!