22 July 2014

Life Lately

Even though we are crazy busy over here, things are slowly getting back to normal and I'm finally starting to get the hang of having 2 babes. Some days are more overwhelming than others but I am absolutely loving having two boys! Here is what we've been up to lately in the most random post ever.

Ryder is still loving his baby brother and smothers him with love all day long. At first he just kept his distance but now I have to make sure to keep an eye on him, He isn't afraid to lay on top of Gage and give him a big fat kiss. 

Leaving the house by myself is quite the event. I swear it takes me an hour to get ready between making sure both boys are fed, changed, dressed and diaper bag packed. I braved the grocery store by myself the other day for the first time, It was a total fail. Ryder begged me to ride in the big race car grocery cart that is impossible to steer and Gage's car seat took up the entire basket that there was no room for food. I left with only the necessities and cursed at that stupid cart as I left. Next time Gage will be in the moby and the hubby is coming with me!

Even though it's a pain to leave the house we couldn't pass up the opportunity to hit up some food trucks last night. Mini donuts for dinner?? Don't mind if I do! 

Gage is actually already starting to get on a sleeping routine which is so nice! However, there have been a few nights where he just won't sleep. Thank you 4Moms for saving my sanity at 4 am!! Seriously...this thing is a life saver. 

Guess who's turning one month old this week ALREADY!! Keep an eye out for that post later this week. Hope you are all having a great Tuesday!

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