27 July 2014

Our Weekend

We had a very busy, fun filled week and weekend! It was a holiday in our town so Tyson got a few extra days off work and there were a bunch of activities going on like a carnival, a parade, rodeos, a car show, food trucks, a movie under the stars and lots more. 
We left Gage at home with Grandma and took Ryder to his very first rodeo. He loved it! He was a little nervous at first, I think it's because it was really loud. But by time we left he was ready to ride a bull himself.

I love this picture solely for the mountains in the background. I love our view!

We also went to a parade Thursday morning which I ended up not getting pictures of. But Ryder loved seeing all the horses, trucks and balloons and it was a perfect overcast morning to be outside. 

Ryder has been loving Dinosaurs lately so we loaded up both boys and headed to the Museum of Natural History. His favorite part was putting together a magnetic dinosaur. He loves puzzles and we sat there forever as he pulled all the pieces off the wall then put them back on. I love seeing his excitement and that big smile of his!

Saturday night was a little stormy so we spent our night camped out in the family room eating treats and watching movies. Winnie the Pooh is his new favorite and he now runs around yelling "poooooop" all day long. 

Sunday morning was spent reading books, cuddling in bed and a trip out to breakfast. You know it's going to be a good day when your 2 year old sticks both his hands in pancake syrup, rubs it all over his face, then freaks out because his eyelids are sticking together. 

Sunday night Tyson took Ryder to feed the ducks so I could have a minute to rest while Gage slept. I heard all about it when he got home. Turns out a 2 year old can babble 30 minutes straight about feeding ducks. Oh to be little again...

And now it's Monday again so I'm going to drink my 3rd cup of coffee and hope for a smooth week ahead. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Those two year olds...so funny. :)
