My heart aches that this little babe is already 10 months old. I just can't believe we will be celebrating his first birthday in just a few short months. I do have to say though that he is at such a fun age! I love his sassy personality and watching him learn new things everyday. He weighs 21 lbs and is 29 inches long. He has 6 teeth, strawberry blonde hair, is in size 4 diapers {although we are switching him to 5's because they are snug} is wearing 12 month + size clothing and has the most deliciously chubby legs!
Eating : Gage is a such a little pig. Don't even think about eating anything without sharing with him! He still nurses about 5 times a day and eats 3 solid meals. His favorite foods are pasta, bread, avocado, peas, sweet potatoes, peaches and mango's.
Sleeping: He still takes 2 naps a day, goes to bed around 7:00pm and wakes up around 7:00am. He still gets up at least once a night to nurse, sometimes twice, sometimes much more than that. But on a good night he gets up once. Other than that he is a pretty good sleeper!
Milestones: He's getting really close to walking by himself. He cruises using his walker {you can see videos on my Instagram @whitrichins} and is definitely determined to learn how to do it alone. He also had two more top teeth pop through this week which makes 6 teeth and he is absolutely loving his new big boy car seat.
For those of you who were wondering, we got Ryder the Britax Pioneer G1.1 Harness-2-Booster Car Seat, Domino
and put Gage in the Britax Marathon G4.1 Convertible Car Seat, Onyx
. We have nothing but great things to say about both Britax car seats and they are definitely worth the money.
For those of you who were wondering, we got Ryder the Britax Pioneer G1.1 Harness-2-Booster Car Seat, Domino
Dislikes: Getting dressed, getting his diaper changed and getting out of the bath tub. Making him sit still is a form of torture and don't even think about telling him no. He doesn't like sharing toys with his brother either. He is starting to not love his binky as much, He only takes it when he goes to sleep or i'll give it to him while were out and I don't want him putting things in his mouth. This kid puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.
Likes: Climbing and Getting into everything. I mean everything. End tables, over the baby gate, into cupboards, over the bath tub and into his toy baskets. This also means he falls off of all of those things multiple times a day, he cant go a day without getting a bruise. He also loves food, taking a bath, pulling hair, making lots of noises and being outside. But his favorite thing of all time is his Lovey
. Just like Ryder, he wont do anything or go anywhere without it. They are a HUGE hit in our house.
Here's what Gage has been up to this month.
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